About Practise(in)Cognitionpractise(in)cognition is a collective evolved from Perceiving Academy, formed by Eric Ellingsen, aiming to be a community for creative interdisciplinary spatial practices.
Perceiving Academy was formed by Eric Ellingsen during the artist’s residency in July 2016 for the programme “Artecitya. Envisioning the City of Tomorrow (2014-2018)”, organised by Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki with the support of the Creative Europe programme of the EU. Practise post-utilitarian being
Khôra: neither present nor absent, active or passive, the good nor evil, living nor nonliving - but rather atheological and nonhuman - khôra is not even a receptacle. Khôra has no meaning or essence, no identity to fall back upon. She/it receives all without becoming anything, which is why she/it can become the subject of neither a philosopheme nor mytheme. In short, the khôra is tout autre [fully other], very. Following Derrida, John Caputo
The project is initiated by practise(in)cognition. It unfolds through a series of spatial experiments taking place in three large-scale sites in Thessaloniki, a quarry, a railway section and a road grid expansion. We conceptualize the three occasions around the notion of “material flow”. The quarry is the supplier of material, the place it is extracted from. The train is the means with which material is being supplied. The road is supplied with material. We use as tools walking, mapping and collecting. We walk theatrically perceiving space with the body and the senses. We map to open routes through inaccessible grounds, to set them into the scope of everyday life. We collect materials as a way to document our presence in situ. In their ex-utilitarian ambience, their abandonment inside the city scape, their absence in everydayness and their morphology we recognize space for post-utilitarian being. practise(in)cognition Photos: practise(in)cognition
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